Membership Chair: Kelly Gyllensten Test Chair: Stephanie Neil SkateSafe Chair: Elaina Graner Webmaster: Patricia Fisch Guimaraes Social Media: Brenda Peterson
Board Meetings Board meetings are held monthly with the date posted on the club calendar and website. Please contact the board secretary no later than the Friday prior to the meeting to request an item be added to the agenda..
Meeting Minutes Please use the Contact Form below to request board meeting minutes.
Board Positions President The President shall be Chairman of the Board, shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, shall generally supervise activities of the club, sign agreements and contracts as needed and shall perform all other duties incident to the office of the president and chairman.
Vice-President The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the board of Directors or the President. The Vice-President when needed as specified in the Bylaws shall perform the duties of the President when the President is unable or unwilling. The Vice President is responsible for promoting advancement of figure skating, harmony between club members and solution of problems.
Secretary The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors, see that all notices are sent as required, be custodian of the club records, sign agreements and contracts as needed, in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time be assigned.
Treasurer The Treasurer shall be the principal financial officer of the Club, and have care and custody of all its funds, securities, debt and other personal property, and deposit the same in accordance with the instructions of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall receive and pay out funds, handle bills, maintain the methods and systems of accounting, keep complete books and records of account, prepare and file all taxes, maintain an internal audit, prepare for the Board statements, report to the Board, prepare an itemized budget for annual meeting, and perform all other duties as may be assigned.
Director The directors oversee the actions of the Board of Directors and perform such duties as may be assigned to them.